Saturday, September 10, 2011

Rumor: Henry Cavill's Too-Sexy 'Man of Steel' Suit Might have to Go

There is lots of discuss how hot Henry Cavill is incorporated in the skintight 'Man of Steel' suit, but his pants-less look is tugging focus for the wrong reasons. Showbiz Spy reviews this too many comments about Superman's super package are earning producers re-think the whole costume. Doubtful, but let us have a great time. "All everyone's speaking about is Superman's crotch and individuals missing pants," an un named movie insider informs the website. "The brand new look was designed to create new curiosity about a vintage character however the way situations are going Superman might be instructed to get his pants back on. It's either that or 'Man of Steel' may be the first R ranked Superman movie!" Uh-huh. And this is actually the part where we avoid riffing wrongly about the film's title. We'll just observe that the region appears rather conspicuously lit. (We are not looking. We swear.) What is your opinion? May be the suit too sexy for Superman? [via Showbiz Spy] Photos thanks to Warner Bros. and also the 'Man of Steel's' Facebook page.

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